Monday, 9 September 2013

WWW.AIRSHOW.SE "FOLLOW US" and Facebook Scandinavian Airshow fan page

and/or join us on FACEBOOK fan page  "SCANDINAVIAN AIRSHOW" like & share! the China airshow tour starts today 9 Sep!  WELCOME ONBOARD! / Jacob Hollander

Thursday, 22 August 2013

CHINA AIR SHOW ADVENTURE 2013 - "FOLLOW ME!" starts again!

Don't miss to follow us on our China air show adventure! We kick start reporting the 9th September.
Stay tuned!

/Jacob Holländer

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Changing my blogg! to only blogg on facebook

Dear Followers I will stop to wright on my blogg and only use Facebook as blogg! Please add me up on facebook as friend "Jacob Holländer" or subscribe me and follow me and Scandinavian Airshow´s team there!

Monday, 22 April 2013

No container today so rest Benny style on the asfalt

The container did not arrive today we hope tomorrow so a day with jetlag rest and helping Hubie Tolsons team with his SU26 & 31 they are almost fully ready -break test and engine run tomorrow. The sun is pretty strong here strange that you never learn....;-)

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Scandinavian Airshow in South Korea

I and Benny arrived to South Korea yesterday a nice trip with Finnair. Have been visit airshow sight took a walk in the city of An San and spend time with the organizer and the Russian mecanic on a really cool resturant were you barbeque the food on the table. Nice weahter around 20C during the day but coolder during evening. Today the container will arrive at 09:30 and we will start to assembly hopefully. The airshow sight is on a racetrack actually very cool we will use 700m of it later as runway. We find a forklifter for the rigging and Benny has already put some training on it :-).