Tuesday, 27 September 2011


The Catwalk has been equipped since it was modified in the early 90´s with pods in the wingtips and tail for smoke and pyrotechnic, however my father Pierre did not use it much, I still wonder why? I think it was different reasons but I think the major reason was lack of time. 2 years ago I decided to start up the system again and with great help from Bosse Söderberg who got the elec viring working and together with pyrotechnic Claes Bonde we made same improvements and the system was back up and running again, this was 2010. Then the Catwalk was out on a world air show tour and it took us actually now summer 2011 to test the new system and it works fantastic! Above you can see some picture taken by Hans Bergren when we´re testing and develop new cool pyro effects. Also smoke pictures during wingwalking training at Ska Edeby outside Stockholm foto taken by Anette Holmberg.
I'm really pleased to be able to offer this new cool show for the Airshow organizer.

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