Saturday, 9 October 2010

CATWALK is completed today

Catwalk is completed and we started to prepare to put the top wing on the Python.. a good day! The bus transport between the hotel and the airport is an experience. The traffic is very aggresive and when people drive they use the horn all the time to communicate... In 10 min drive we have counted 65 horn beep from our bus. Also, the roads here are to small and with the amount of vehicle there are lots of slowdriving vehicle so often our bus drive on the wrong side of the road even though we are meeting buses and cars in high speed. Actually I don't like it at all.
The dancing went well :) Really hard to get the right steps but we will continue the practise after dinner this evening. People tried to help us yesterday...I think they enjoyed it as much as we did. Emma joined Benny & me yesterday in the dance as well. Tonight we will eat outside on a resturant don't know yet where.
Emma and Hella is helping us to assembly and dissembly the planes I think its a good experience for them and they make a great job
We got info that it will rain tonight and tomorrow.. We will see.

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